Time to Book

Choose our Time to Book offer and benefit from a greater discount when you book early.



Better three hours too soon than one minute too late – William Shakespeare

Our early booking offer allows you to benefit from a greater discount the further out you book. Book 30 or more days in advance and save 25%, 20 days out to save 20%, or 10 days out to save 15%. Plus, daily breakfast included.

The Time to Book with The Doyle Collection Offer Includes:

  • 25% off our best available rate when you book 30 or more days in advance of your stay
  • 20% off our best available rate when you book between 20 and 29 days in advance of your stay
  • 15% off our best available rate when you book between 10 and 19 days in advance of your stay
  • Daily breakfast

Terms and Conditions 

  • Subject to availability
  • Offer valid from stays from 1st January to 31st March 2024
  • Cash or credit alternative not available for food or drinks included
  • Rate is inclusive of VAT
  • Please note this is non cancellable and non refundable, full pre-payment required at the time of booking
  • Price based on a maximum of 2 adults per room

About The Bloomsbury

Bloomsbury is a timeless London gem, characterised by its elegant garden squares and streets lined with an eclectic selection of shops and boutiques. The Bloomsbury hotel is nestled in the centre of the theatre district, nearby to Soho, Covent Garden and Leicester Square.

Based in a beautiful neo-Georgian listed building, The Bloomsbury has been renovated and restored to its original grandeur and glory. The building was designed by the renowned British architect, Sir Edwin Lutyens, in 1928. 

Bloomsbury is a favourite among London visitors as it’s the perfect base to explore the myriad of nearby treasures, including The British Museum, Oxford Street, Theatreland and more. From The Bloomsbury hotel you can explore some of Bloomsbury’s best parks and gardens including Russell Square, Bloomsbury Square, Bedford Square and St George’s Gardens. 

Key features

Free WiFi icon, indicating complimentary internet access.

Free WiFi

Restaurant & Bar icon featuring a glass of wine, a wine bottle, and a plate of food in the background.

Restaurant & Bar

Fitness center icon for The Westbury Dublin, representing gym and workout facilities.

Fitness Centre

24-hour room service icon featuring a clock with an arrow circling it continuously.

24h Room Service

Air Conditioning icon - half snowflake half heat lines

Air Conditioned

Accessible icon featuring a wheelchair, indicating accessibility for people with disabilities.
