Contact Details


Prince Street,
Bristol  BS1 4QF
United Kingdom 

By Phone:   +44 117 923 0333
By Fax:   +44 117 923 0300


The Bristol hotel now falls within the City of Bristol Clean Air Zone.  Charges only apply to older more polluting vehicles.  Please use this link to check for your car:  Drive in a clean air zone - GOV.UK (


Car parking available to overnight guests in the adjacent multi-storey for a reduced fee of £16 per night


Please be advised that The Bristol Harbour Festival is taking place from Friday 19th July to Sunday 21st July with surrounding roads closed or partially closed at various times throughout. We have a road diversion to make you aware of: Saturday 20th July & Sunday 21st July the council have arranged that the Bus Gate on Bristol Bridge will not be enforced whilst closures are in place, meaning that guests can still access the car park via the following route –Redcliffe Street, Victoria Street, onto Bristol Bridge, turn left into Baldwin Street, turn left onto Marsh Street, along Marsh Street and onto Prince Street. Turn right into Prince Street Car Park. No enforcement will take place between 6am to 11pm on Saturday 20th July & Sunday 21st July. Outside of these hours, please follow the diversion routes signposted to take you on to Welsh Back. For more information please visit the website for Bristol Harbour Festival

The Bristol
Clifton Suspension Bridge

Enquiry Form

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